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1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Sun
Trypho the Martyr
Trypho the Martyr
Feb 1 all-day
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 2/1/2016 Saints and Feasts: Forefeast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple, Trypho the Martyr, Perpetua & her Companions, Timothy the Confessor, Bridget of Ireland, Our Holy Father Basil, Archbishop of Thessolonica, Anastasios the New Martyr of Navplion Epistle Reading: St. Paul's Letter to the Romans 8:28-39 Brethren, we know that Continue Reading
The Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple
The Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple
Feb 2 all-day
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 2/2/2016 Saints and Feasts: The Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple, Gabriel the New Martyr of Constantinople, Jordan the New Martyr, Agathadoros the Martyr of Cappadocia Epistle Reading: St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews 7:7-17 BRETHREN, it is beyond dispute that the inferior is blessed by the superior. Here tithes are received Continue Reading
The Synaxis of the Holy and Righteous Symeon the God-Receiver and the Holy Prophetess Anna
The Synaxis of the Holy and Righteous Symeon the God-Receiver and the Holy Prophetess Anna
Feb 3 all-day
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 2/3/2016 Saints and Feasts: The Synaxis of the Holy and Righteous Symeon the God-Receiver and the Holy Prophetess Anna, Stamatios, John, & Nicholas, New Martyrs of Chios, Nicholas, Archbishop & Enlightener of Japan, Afterfeast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple Strict Fast Epistle Reading: St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews Continue Reading
Isidore of Pelusium
Isidore of Pelusium
Feb 4 all-day
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 2/4/2016 Saints and Feasts: Isidore of Pelusium, Nicholas the Confessor, Hieromartyr Abramius, John the Righteous, Bishop of Irinopolis, Theodosios the Righteous, Joseph the New Martyr of Aleppo, Afterfeast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple Epistle Reading: St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 1:1-9 PAUL, an apostle of Christ Jesus by Continue Reading
Agatha the Martyr
Agatha the Martyr
Feb 5 all-day
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 2/5/2016 Saints and Feasts: Agatha the Martyr, Polyeuktos, Partriarch Of Constantinople, Antonios the New Martyr of Athens, Theodosios, Archbishop of Chernigov, Afterfeast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple Strict Fast Epistle Reading: St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 1:7-17 BRETHREN, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our Continue Reading
Photius the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople
Photius the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople
Feb 6 all-day
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 2/6/2016 Saints and Feasts: Photius the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople, Bucolus, Bishop of Smyrna, Barsanuphius the Great and John of Gaza, Afterfeast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple, St. Ilyan of Homs Epistle Reading: St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 10:23-28 BRETHREN, "all things are lawful," but not all Continue Reading
16th Sunday of Matthew
16th Sunday of Matthew
Feb 7 all-day
Saints, Feasts, and Readings for 2/7/2016 Saints and Feasts: Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus, Luke of Mount Stirion, Theopemptos the Martyr & his Companions, George the New Martyr of Crete, Afterfeast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple Tone Three Third Orthros Gospel Epistle Reading: St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 6:1-10 BRETHREN, working together with Continue Reading
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