14/06/2013 @ 22:00 – 00:00 Europe/Athens Timezone
Innovative Technologies Complex
Binghamton University

30-Year Anniversary Launch
Celebrating the Past, Creating the Future

Friday, June 14, 2013
3 – 5 p.m.
Binghamton University
Innovative Technologies Complex – Rotunda
85 Murray Hill Road, Vestal, NY
An invitation to Watson faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends.

We invite you to join members of the local Watson community, past and present, in launching the 30th anniversary of the Watson School. At this informal gathering, we hope to connect the many threads of the Watson community that together have created a rich history of the school and shaped its future. To prepare for the year-long celebration, we invite your contribution to the archives. We will showcase some of these highlights during Homecoming Weekend and at special events throughout the year.

Light refreshments will be served. Cash bar available.
Please register online by Friday, June 7, 2013.