12/04/2013 @ 00:30 – 02:00 Europe/Athens Timezone
The Desmond
660 Albany Shaker Rd.

Be connected, keep informed, share ideas

“Smart Energy for a Brighter Future”
The Desmond Hotel
660 Albany Shaker Rd.
Albany, N.Y.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
5:30 to 7 p.m.

The faculty and alumni of Binghamton University and the Watson School are among the leaders in research and technology throughout the region and the world. At the first Alumni Cafe hosted by the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, find out firsthand what’s going on at your alma mater and engage with your colleagues in some real-world networking.

Be connected: Dr. Krishnaswami “Hari” Srihari, dean of the Watson School, will share the latest research at Watson, and what’s coming up next.

Keep informed: Dr. Kaustubh Nagarkar of GE Global Research will discuss current R&D initiatives, including Smart Energy and electronics design.

Share ideas: Denise Lorenzetti, director, Watson Career and Alumni Connections will seek your input on how to build our alumni network, and plans to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Watson School this fall.

The event will include hors d’oeuvres, coffee, wine, beer and soft drinks, compliments of the Binghamton University Alumni Association – Albany chapter and the Watson School.

Feel free to bring a guest, but please be sure to let us know you’re coming. https://www.bconnectalumni.binghamton.edu/default.aspx?Page=EVNTEventDetail&EventID=1350Register online by Thursday, April 4.

Questions? Please contact Suzy Ryan by e-mail.