23/12/2015 @ 01:00 – 23/12/2015 @ 04:00 Europe/Athens Timezone
Kitchen & Bar Room, 986 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10022
United States

Second Annual
PwC Scholars Alumni Reunion

Tuesday, Dec. 22
6 to 9 p.m.
Atwood, Kitchen & Bar Room
986 2nd Ave., Manhattan

Join us for the second annual PwC Scholars Alumni Reunion. You will not want to miss the opportunity to get together for this enjoyable evening that will include a buffet dinner, dessert and open bar. This event will be a great way for alumni to stay connected with the program. Dean Upinder Dhillon, and faculty members Dina Layish and Elliot Kamlet, will also be joining us at the event.

Please register online for this event by Friday, Dec. 18. The cost will be $40/person. If you have any questions regarding our event, please contact me at [email protected].

This event is sponsored by the PwC Scholars Program, the School of Management and the Binghamton University Alumni Association.

Zach Loeb ’16
External Vice President
PwC Scholars