04/05/2016 @ 01:00 – 04/05/2016 @ 03:00 Europe/Athens Timezone
Public House New York 140 E 41st St.
Manhattan (Between 3rd & Lexington Avenues)

Do you work in the real estate field? Are you interested in meeting other alumni with similar interests to expand your network?

We invite you to our annual Real Estate Networking Event. This event builds on the large and continually growing Binghamton University real estate alumni presence, which has successfully hosted many events over the past few years. Whether this will be your first event or fourth event in as many years, we welcome all alumni both in the real estate world or those who would like to network with your fellow alumni.

The cost of $30/person includes an open bar with house wines and select domestic beer as well as an assortment of appetizers. Please register online prior to Friday, April 29. Alumni may register one guest.

This event is sponsored by the Binghamton University Alumni Association and the Metro New York Chapter. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at 607-777-2424 or [email protected].

I look forward to seeing you there!

Rory Clark ’05
Event Coordinator and Metro New York Chapter Co-Chair