06/06/2012 @ 01:00 – 06/06/2012 @ 04:00 Europe/Athens Timezone
SUNY Global Center

Tuesday, June 5, 2012 from 6 to 9 p.m.
SUNY Global Center
116 E. 55th Street, Manhattan (between Park and Lexington avenues)
6 – 6:30 p.m.: Registration
6:30 – 8 p.m.: Panel with Q & A Session
8 – 9 p.m.: Reception

Join our panel of distinguished speakers to learn about the ongoing efforts by many volunteers, non-profit organizations and NGOs to help Japan recover and heal following the 9.0 earthquake on March 11, 2011, the greatest natural catastrophe in its history.
* What has been the impact on the Japanese civil sector?
* What are the long-term health effects and related implications on the Japanese?
* What are some of the obstacles to recovery?
These and related issues will be explored as we seek to gain an in-depth understanding about this major crisis and the challenges that lie ahead.

Fred Katayama (moderator), journalist and anchor at Reuters Television; board member – U.S. Japan Council and Japan Society
Kamal Ramani, MD, physician volunteer member of medical team for rescue efforts; board member – Japanese Medical Society of America and Japanese American Association of New York
Gary S. Moriwaki, JD, attorney, Fox & Rothschild LLP; president – Japanese American Association of New York; trustee – Japanese American National Museum; vice chair – Asian American Federation; board member – U.S. Japan Council
David C. Stahl, PhD, associate professor and chair, Department of Asian & Asian American Studies, Binghamton University (research focus – trauma, repetition and recovery in Modern Japanese Literature and Film)

Registration fees: In Advance/At The Door
(Credit cards and checks will be accepted at the door.)
* Adults: $20/30
* Students: $10/10 (must show University ID at door)

Register online today.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please call (607) 777-2424.

Sponsors: Binghamton University Asian & Asian American Alumni Council and Department of Asian & Asian American Studies, Asian American Bar Association of New York, Japanese American Association of NY, Japanese Medical Society of America and The Japan Society