20/03/2013 @ 00:00 – 20/03/2013 @ 03:00 Europe/Athens Timezone
116 E. 55 St.

You are invited! Join our panel of distinguished speakers as they broaden our understanding of the rise of Asian and Asian American and Pacific Islanders in leadership roles across private and public sectors.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
6 – 9 p.m.
SUNY Global Center
116 East 55th Street, Manhattan

Event details:
Registration: 6 – 6:30 p.m.
Panel with Q & A Session: 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Reception: 8 – 9 p.m.

Our panelists include:
* Patrice Tanaka, Co-Chair, Chief Creative Officer and whatcanbesm Ambassador for CRT/tanaka
* Wayne H. Tang, Director of Research Administration & Special Projects, Department of Surgery, Columbia University
* The Honorable Lillian Wan ’97, New York City Family Court Judge, Kings County Family Court
* David C. Stahl, PhD, Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Asian & Asian American Studies, Binghamton University (Program Moderator)

We will explore: Why is AAPI leadership important? Is it more than the issue of diversity? How do the motivations and aspirations of Asian Americans differ from their colleagues, mentors and role models? How can the advancement of AAPI leaders in a wider array of industries and professions be encouraged? These and related issues will be explored as we seek to gain an in-depth understanding about the effects of culture and race on leadership.

Register online for this event.

For more information, email [email protected].

Event sponsors: Binghamton University Asian and Asian American Alumni Council and Department of Asian and Asian American Studies, Asian American Bar Association, Binghamton University Alumni Association.