29/03/2013 @ 00:00 – 29/03/2013 @ 02:30 Europe/Athens Timezone
Foreign Correspondence Club
2 Lower Albert Rd.
Hong Kong

President Stenger and his wife Ms. Cathy Frankenbach cordially invite you to an alumni reception in Hong Kong.

Thursday, 28 March 2013
18:00 – 20:30
Foreign Correspondence Club
2 Lower Albert Rd., Central, Hong Kong

Don’t miss this opportunity to gather with fellow Binghamton University alumni and receive updates about your alma mater. For planning purposes, please reply to this e-mail to let us know you’ll attend. The RSVP deadline is 21 March. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Perry ’00, leader of the Alumni Association Hong Kong Chapter.

We hope you will make plans to attend this very special dinner sponsored by Binghamton University and the Hong Kong alumni chapter. Thank you for your support!